Presentation Styleguide
Some notes on presentation style-guides, because I am:
- Lazy
- Trying to be open
Most Recent Presentation
It’s usually useful to take what’s recent, and start from there. At the minute it’s “using docker for fun + profit”.
The following are the standard colours
- Standard Blue: #6bbfff
- Peach: #ff8884
- Dark Blue: #0086b3
- Ugly Green: #cacc41
Where it’s required to give a lighter color, give it a 65% transparency.
A general guideline is give them a unique color from the list above, with a fill of that color @65% opacity.
Prior to the presentation of slides, publish them at the appropriate URL on GitHub. Add this URL to the slide deck, and tag the refspec in github with the event name and date. For example,
“Meet Magento Deutschland, 2018” becomes “meet-magento-deutschland-2018–01–01”
Then, publish the tag with the GitHub releases page. Should there be an official hash tag, that may be a better tag name.